Data Science Intern



Shutterstock is looking for Data Science interns to join our product teams, working on the future of our creative and predictive performance platforms.

You will be working with highly motivated and extremely talented data scientists on large datasets, analytics and visualization tools and, finally, deep learning and machine learning. Our core belief is that the customers are our number one priority so we work hard to deliver value back to them with everything we do. We believe strongly in team ownership of systems, which includes defining the vision of the services to prioritization of projects.

Daily Activities

  • Participate in all aspects of the services under the team’s ownership, which includes design, implementation, automated testing, deployment, and uptime of the services.
  • Participate in the code review process, paired programming.
  • Work alongside Senior Data Scientists, Product Manager and Designers on the development of the services under the team's ownership.
  • Building the technology the right way: for us, this means simple, well-tested systems that gradually grow over time, and that provide plenty of insight into production performance.

Ideal candidate would have one or more of the following:

  • Experience in Data Science fundamentals and machine learning libraries
  • Applied statistics skills, such as distributions, statistical testing, regression, etc.
  • Understanding of common Natural Language Processing and Data Science libraries
  • Passionate about what you do and care deeply about the things you build.
  • Able to clearly communicate to team members.
  • Has a good understanding of continuous delivery.

Bonus Skills

  • Notebook experience [Jupyter, Zeppelin, Databricks, etc.] to perform data analysis and algorithm development using Python
  • Natural language processing experience, ranking and classification

Organization Shutterstock
Industry IT / Telecom / Software
Occupational Category Data Science Intern
Job Location Dublin,Ireland
Shift Type Morning
Job Type Internship
Gender No Preference
Career Level Entry Level
Experience Fresh
Posted at 2021-12-02 3:03 am
Expires on Expired